Thursday, August 17, 2017

The Living Photograph + Notes

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Credit to: educationistainmotion.blogspot

Literature Component - POEM

 Teacher’s Notes

Section D of the 1119 English paper focuses on the literature component and carries 20 marks. The literature component is not as difficult as it seems. By now, students should be familiar with the four poems. Students need to know and understand all of them well. Do not focus on a few selected ones as it is difficult to pinpoint which poem will be tested.

Students are required to answer structured questions on one poem. They will be tested on their understanding of the poem and  they are also required to give their opinion to issues raised. One way to prepare them for the exam for poems is to paraphrase the poem, making sure they understand all the difficult words.

Student’s Tips
·    Read and understand all the poems

·    Pay close attention to the language used by the writer to convey his ideas and thoughts.
·    With the poems, make sure you understand the literal/denotative meaning  as well as the    
    figurative/connotative meaning. The former is the dictionary meaning, while the latter is  
    the inferred or implied meaning.

·   There is no harm in knowing some of the common literary devices (metaphors, similes,   personification, onomatopoeia) employed in the poems.

·    Remember, the answers to the first three questions on the poem  can  be found in the
    extract given. The fourth question is usually a personal response question and the      
    answer must be logical. This means you need to know the poem to tackle this  
    question. (This is where engaging with the texts is important). You must engage with   
    them on a personal level. If you are able to respond to the texts by bringing in your own  
    knowledge and experiences, you will be able to have a better understanding of them.

·  Do discuss the texts with your teacher and friends. Do not be upset if your interpretation is  different from someone else’s. Remember, no two people will have exactly the same  
 interpretations. What is important is that you should be able to prove your interpretations  
   with textual evidence

A Self-reflection

Image result for a bouquet of roses

Salam, hello folks!

It has been ages since last I visited my blog... I wish I can tell you in details why I stop blogging after 2013!!! Well, of course as a teacher with various tasks to be done & I became a mother holds me from blogging. But I did lots of blog-walking, only able to view what other bloggers wrote in their blogs. Well, I do enjoy helping all Malaysian students and teachers to excel in their SPM 1119 English papers, let us hope that I can fulfill this sincere wish this year with lots of reading materials to be shared. Okay?

Do stop by and say hello to me. I will reply soon 😊


Madam Miela❤



1.0   The components of the two papers :  1.  PAPER 1 (1 hour 45 minutes : 2 Sections A , B)
                                                                      2.  PAPER 2 (2 hours 15 minutes : 4 Sections- A, B, C, D)

2.0   Allocation of Time
Types of Questions
P1- A
Directed Writing 
(45 minutes)
1.  use the right format   -- task – report/letter/article/speech??
2.  check the tone/pronoun  ….usually you/we
3.  use all the points --- try to give elaborations to some/all points
4.  check for mistakes.
P1- B
Continuous writing
(60 minutes)
1.  5 topics – choose one  ---decide on the main tense to be used.
2.  Plan your opening,  body and Closing
3.  Check for mistakes

Types of Questions
Guidelines :  Read the Questions first

Graphics + Cloze text
1.  Read for main and supporting ideas
2.  Rational Cloze – put answers into blanks and read
25 mins

Information transfer
1.  Read Questions first
2.  If a table, read the headings given
3.  Do not overlift – give short answers
4.  To complete sentences given, read the whole
      sentence to see that each sentence make sense

25 mins
Comprehension + Summary
1.  Read Question first
2.  Read text right through before answering
3.  Remember to check the need to chance pronouns???
4.  For one-word answer, give one word only!
5.  Question 30 – if opinion, just give your own ideas.
1.  Read the task set --- problem faced?? Ways to solve..
2.  Just focus on the task – no need examples
3.  Write in one paragraph – even if two tasks are given
4.  Use text within the zone given.
5.  Check the pronouns needed (in the 10 words given?)
6.  Check the sequence of events.
7.  Try to use one-word connectors – Furthermore, Also
8.  Replace some words if possible
9.  Reorder the sentence (back to front and front to back) 
     if possible.
10.  Rephrase only when you are very sure,

50 mins
Q 32
Literature- Poems:
The Living Photograph
The Charge of the Light Brigade
Poison Tree
What Happened to Lulu?
1.   Remember, answers to the first three questions are
      found in the extract.
2.   The fourth Q is usually a personal response (HOTS)
3.   If ONE word is required – Give ONE word only.
4.   Do not leave blanks – write answers for all Qs.

35 mins
Paper 2

Q 33
Literature- Novel

Sing to the Dawn
1.   State your novel, and ….main idea  (values/
      character/lesson/events …)  in the first paragraph.
2.   Introduce a summary of your reasons/evidence
3.   Write in paragraphs
       –one piece of evidence one paragraph
      Or – one reason one paragraph.
4.   Check TENSES
5.   Remember to give evidence/proofs from text.

**  REMEMBER TO GIVE RESPONSE FOR EVERY QUESTION  -- Try – do not leave blanks